Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Death of Kwai Chang Caine (originally written on June 5th, 2009)

Let's face it. Ask anyone, and David Carradine would not come up on their list of top ten best male leads. Probably not even on their top twenty list. Despite this, Mr. Carradine was an icon, and remains a legend.

His roles were varied and oft times eccentric, but the one I (and most of my generation) probably remember him for is the role of Kwai Chang Caine from the tv series "Kung Fu". Affectionately called Grasshopper by his Shaolin masters, the line I'll always remember is, "I am Caine. I will help you." This line was always delivered in his deadpan, expressionless way (something he unfortunately took to all his acting roles, although he tried his hardest to emote), but as Caine, a righteous Shaolin monk leading a life of discipline and self-sacrifice, it was particularly....appropriate. He did not help because he was emotionally affected by the injustice of this week's episode, nor because he saw an opportunity for personal fulfillment. It was just the right thing - the humane thing - to do; helping a fellow man/woman in need.

But Kwai Chang Caine is dead. I remember a time in my life when I wanted to be a Shaolin monk walking barefoot through the Americas, playing my flute at night when I'm lonely and saying, "I am Caine, I will help you" to all these beautiful damsels in distress. I also related to his guilty conscience after he'd shagged some of those damsels. Like Catholic priests (or single Catholic men), Shaolin monks are apparently supposed to be celibate. I've since got over that particular hang-up, while catholic priests have found a workaround (altar boys). Sorry, can't help it, especially with all the news coming out of the Irish investigations.

However, I've decided to do a tribute to Mr. Carradine. I asked Sir Elton if he'd help, but he was otherwise occupied, so I decided to do it myself. Long live the legend.

Goodbye Carradine,
Though I never knew you at all,
You had the grace to hold yourself,
As they stormed the temple walls,

Ran off to the New World
Where you helped the weak and the small
With all your constant flashbacks,
You still had time to do it all

And it seemed to me, you lived your life
Like a Shaolin in the wind
Never giving up or leaving
Til the good guys win
Though I would’ve liked to’ve known you
But I was just a kid
They took “Kung Fu” off the airwaves
But your legend will always live.
                                        - Music by Sir Elton John, "Candle in the Wind"
                                          (if you haven't already guessed)

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